Now Serving Jeju Island

Create Wellness in Jeju’s Global Education City

As of 2024, we have opened up a branch in Jeju Island in the GEC (Global Education City) area of Jeju, serving the teachers and families of the GEC community with our US Chiropractic and Physiotherapy experts. Appointments are available by reservation only and we do direct billing with GBG / Tiecare / TSS insurance for the ultimate convenient experience for the hardworking GEC staff.

Services Offered:

In our GEC branch, we are currently offering three services: US Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Naturopathy. We are currently taking appointments twice a month for all three services and all three can be directly billed to GBG insurance.



제주특별자치도 서귀포시 대정읍 보성리 2476-11 115호

Naver maps link
Google maps link

Book an appointment:

email us at to book an appointment or for any questions.

We do not currently accept any walk-ins.

Upcoming dates: 5/14 (limited availability), 5/28 (limited availability), 6/4, 6/18